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The ETR was brought to Earth in February 2018 by the Arcturians. The ETR is an Ascension Tool.  I am a certified practitioner of ETR.  This is a broad overview of the ETR process.

The feedback that has been received from the Star Seed Families is that the energy transfer reset is the most powerful healing modality on Earth today.  The ETR was given to humanity by a group of Star Seed families including the Arcturians, Pleiadians, and Sirians, and is supported by all the Star Seed families and the Universe specifically for the Ascension process. 

The ETR Spirit Team consists of over 250 beings that help each person during the ETR.  These are your spirit guides, angels, and galactic beings from many different advanced races.  Your Soul (i.e., Higher Self) is in charge of what is cleared.  I just open the door!!


The ETR Spirit Team does the heavy lifting as they go into your energy field and your body and remove most frequencies below 5D.  

Most humans average over 10,000 incarnations.  Every time we make a decision during an incarnation, we create a new timeline of probabilities.  Therefore, across 10,000 incarnations we create quadrillions of timelines which hold frequencies. It is the low frequencies that cause us problems.

The ETR Spirit Team removes most frequencies below the 5D. The ETR also removes blockages, implants, attachments, cords, and tags.  If you have a dark entity attached to your energy field the entity is removed and the tear in your energy field is repaired. 

Next, they’ll stream high-frequency energy to you.  Different Star Seed families will use different rainbow-healing-colored frequencies to help you release old programing, thoughts, and habits.

The reset takes us back to the pure state we were in when we were first created, before we started incarnating and having all of the challenging situations that we’ve all faced in many lifetimes.

Although, the ETR clears all your low-frequency energies, you are left with a small percentage to consciously clear on your own.  Your Soul allows these frequencies to remain after the ETR to teach more lessons.

What are the benefits of the ETR?:

The energy transfer reset is a healing modality that restores your Soul back to the pure state, your original blueprint, that existed immediately after it was created by Source.  

The reset is a powerful tool to remove most below 5D frequencies, blockages, and karma from your timelines.

The reset allows the body to heal on quantum levels from all types of illness, disease, abuse, trauma, and negativity.

The reset restores the purity and innocence that once existed.

What can you expect to happen after the reset?

You may experience mental, emotional, spiritual and physical changes.  You may have an increased ability to see, hear, feel, and know spirit via a much stronger connection.  After the reset you may have enhanced ability to intercept communications that were once missed.

You control the manifestation of the healing in your physical form.  If you hold on to your past and all the emotions, diagnoses, and events related to your past, it can slow down or stall the manifestation of the changes.

Because the body is not instantly healed, some may think the reset did not work. This is not true. Each person must allow months or longer for the body to return to the healthy state.  An unhealthy state is not created overnight, and it will not heal overnight.

What can you do to facilitate the process?

It is important to believe that the reset is working and the reset has the power to heal.

When frequencies of doubt emerge, the reset loses its strength and eventually the person will completely stall the healing process and begin to accumulate low frequencies that existed before. The reset never stops completely; once a person raises their frequency again, the reset will increase in strength and continue working.

It is of the utmost importance that you say the Arcturian Releasing Statements daily for a minimum of 3 weeks.  Click Here: https://app.box.com/s/nvm9xamij3uy87d717a7y9eck7ow60lt.  Saying the releasing statements releases old programing from this life and past lives. 

It is also important to clear your energy field daily for a minimum of 3 weeks with the Cloud Clearing & Grounding (CC&G) tool. Click Here: https://app.box.com/s/802yh4g3erq7vdifijklqfj0ibicdrzr. It actually reprograms you so you are more connected to your Soul.  Most awakened people do not have a process for doing this.  The CC&G was also a gift from the Starseed families and is an essential tool for your continued reset and health and wellbeing after your ETR.  

At the end of the ETR, I will again provide you with these tools to keep your energy field clear and to help keep you grounded.

I encourage you to listen to the CC&G now and/or at minimum the day of your ETR and feel the help and love and healing it provides.  

What is Reverse Aging? 

With your permission, the ETR will begin a process of reverse aging. Through intention, we can ask the spirit beings to manipulate your DNA to reverse age. This is optional. We have power over our DNA and only age because we believe we must age.  Your aging cells will be converted  back to stem cells.

Regarding beliefs and programing, you may or may not be aware that the human body is designed for an average lifespan of 800-1000 years.  The present aging process is built upon a framework of beliefs and programing. Humans age and grow weak because they believe this is what should occur. Then they gather in groups with members their own age and cement this belief within them that they must share the same characteristics as others their age. This is simply not true. 

The process:

We must first remove parts of your personal human incarnation contract.  We will ask your Soul to remove your energetic connections to the part of the contract that is over. This will release the low-frequency energies from those timelines.  It does not mean those lessons are lost.  It just removes the baggage of the past.

The human incarnation contract can be negotiated and some parts canceled based on the desire of the Soul.  You still have lessons to learn in the future.  Your life will never be perfect without any trouble.  As humans we came to Earth to learn by experience, and most experiences involve contrast and difficulties.

The relationships you have in place are joint contracts with others, so canceling your personal incarnation contract may not affect your relationships, unless the contract is over.  There are many unhealthy reason why we stay in relationships longer than we should.

As part of this process, your Soul knows what you need to keep and what can be cleared.  Your Soul is your gatekeeper and it knows what’s best.  We attempt to clear/release everything possible, but ultimately it is the decision of your Soul. 

So the first thing we’ll do:

Then you will give permission for the Spirit Team to work within your energy field and remove all your lower frequencies below 5D. 

Then I’ll make a series of releasing statements and ask you to repeat them.  By repeating them you are giving permission to release.

Next, we’ll meditate for a few minutes.  The guides will let me know when the release has begun.

And lastly, it’s important that you believe -- that you believe in this process -- that you believe that the Light Beings in nonphysical are working on your behalf.

The possibility of negative implants, attachments, cords, and/or tags: 

An implant is a contract with other Beings our Soul has made to facilitate the life it has chosen to experience on Earth or anywhere else.  Most implants are millions of years old and they are in our DNA.  The DNA transcends with Soul after each life. Some implants can influence our thoughts and emotions per our life plan. This is something that the Soul agreed to before the incarnation.   In my work as a QHHT practitioner I have found out from the Souls of my clients that some implants are good.  Dolores Cannon says the same thing.  We are high-frequency and multi-dimensional Beings of Light who have come down to the 3rd dimension to be here for many reasons.  The good implants stay if needed, as guided by your Soul, because they help our Soul Family monitor and help us in our 3D life on Earth, as we journey through life in the muck and the mire and trials and tribulations.  

Tags are devices that dark entities place on humans, making them a target for interference. These tags are energetic and attached to all parts of your being, including the physical body and energy field. They are different than implants, which you agreed upon before your incarnation. Tags are placed without our consent.  With tags, the human remains in control but struggles to keep a high frequency due to the onslaught of negative interference. 

Cords are energetic from lower frequency emotions generated from one’s present or past lives. 

With the dark entity attachment, the person has lost some control over their experience.  We are susceptible to attachments when our frequency runs low due to addictions, trauma, and emotions of excessive fear, sadness, anger, etc., from one’s present or past lives.

We then proceed on to the Automated Cloud Clearing Process and the Crystalline Capsule of Protection. 

Automated Cloud Clearing Process/Crystalline Capsule Protection: 

The Cloud Clearing and Grounding (CC&G) Process is a tool the Arcturians gave us to keep our energy fields and bodies clear of low frequencies.  After the ETR you can begin to accumulate low frequencies because of emotions such as anger, sadness, hopelessness, fear…etc.  It is important for you to do the Cloud Clearing daily in addition to the automated process that was set up for you during your ETR. 

In addition, a solid, impenetrable Crystalline Capsule is created.  This is an energy field that keeps you safe and protected in a space of high-frequency 5D energies and above.  The capsule is perpetual for the remainder of your human incarnation and is in effect across all timelines, dimensions, and frequencies.  

Please do not hesitate to call or email me with questions. There is no obligation! ​​
What is Energy Transfer Reset (ETR)
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​​​​​​​​Ask Your Soul for Healing

​​​Ask Your Soul for Healing| Merkabah Healing | Past Life | Mind-Body Wellness | Spiritual Life Coaching | Ask Your Stone Jewelry
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For ETR INDIVIDUAL & GROUP Booking (US, Canada, & Mexico)​​