Ask Your Soul for Healing
My Story
Why I do What I Do
My son wanted me to put my story down on paper. I have thought about it for days, what to say, what to write, not too much and not too little. Something that helps others when they read it. A story that is heartfelt, meaningful, and my truth …. here we go!!
I’m making a crochet blanket for my daughter(in-law) and just a few days ago I added 7 rows. I kept thinking this does not look right but kept on crocheting. As I folded it up that night, I noticed I had crocheted down the side instead of across the blanket. I won’t go into it, but you would understand if you have crocheted. I just put it down and went to bed. The next morning, I took it all out. I had finished a skein and started another in the rows I took out, so as I was pulling it out and pulling and pulling, I had yarn every where from two different skeins. Of course, as you would know if you have untangled any skeins or any string at all, I had a twisted-up mess. As I looked at it, I thought this is my life, which includes Soul’s journey, that I have been untwisting and untangling for the last 30 years. So, as I took my time unweaving the mess I had, under and over and over and under, again and again, I untangled the yarn. After I was finished, I had two skeins neatly wound and of course not perfectly, but this is where My Story begins. Nothing is ever perfect!!
If possible, think of your DNA metaphorically like a skein of yarn or a ball of string that has gotten twisted and tangled. I have helped many people, facilitating QHHT, ETR, Mind-Body Wellness, and Merkabah Healing sessions, to unwind their twisted and tangled current life and past lives. It is not me; I am just a facilitator that opens the door to the client’s Soul who has all the answers and the ability to unwind and untangle the DNA that results in clearing and healing on all levels, emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual. So much I have learned on my journey and many years of speaking to Souls about why my clients have made the decisions they have or had the experiences they’ve had. We choose our life and all our experiences before we are born. I like to say 90% of our life is planned and 10% shit happens. I honestly have heard some horrific things and some things that have happened that are not so horrific, but what ever the experience, it has affected the client deeply in many ways. When I get to the Soul there is always a reason and/or a purpose/mission to their experiences. I do talk about some of my experiences with my clients because I want them to know it has taken me a lifetime to heal, which has helped make me more compassionate, loving, kind, and in service to others that I am today. It has been a rocky mountain road, but all meant to be. I won’t go into a big explanation, but will hit the highs and lows briefly so you understand that You too can let go and heal!!
So, starting from the beginning is the best way I know how to do this. As a child I was sexually abused by family members and friends of family. I believe it started in the crib. My family was dysfunctional and alcoholics, but they were the family that I chose as a Soul because I had experiences to go thru to learn and evolve my Soul, and now I know why I chose them. More on that later. At 15 I was raped and could have been killed, but my Guides prevented it. I did not remember it until I was 35 while going through a Lakota Women’s Ceremony that heals 7 generations back and 7 generations forward. I did not remember very much, but what I did remember was enough. My Lakota Father (not my birth father) told me to pray for healing and if I am supposed to remember more I would. I prayed hard and felt I had healed from the trauma. I know now, that was the beginning. More on that later.
Other things that happened before this ceremony and after …. I nearly died 4 times. I won’t go into that, just because it is not needed to express what I am trying to express. I have had a few failed marriages, ones that caught me off guard that where devastating and unplanned by me. In 2015, the love of my life (not married), my twin soul, committed suicide using a gun while I was home. I think you get the gist of my life. In no way am I comparing your life to mine because I have heard a lot worse. Most older humans have had things in their life that has brought them to their knees in despair and hopelessness and grief. Don’t get me wrong, my life has had many highs and lots of love, which includes the birth of my children and grandchildren, my extended Red Road family, my spiritual path, my work, and many happy times mixed in with the tragic events. So now, I will tell you some of what I learned about my life, which goes right along with answers from my client’s Souls as to why we chose the life we did. It was also planned by me before birth that I would experience what I did while living in lack. To get to the other side without financial means to seek services that would help.
The best thing I did in my life was to start listening to the knowing, nudging, intuition, whatever you want to call it. In over 30 of years of native ceremonies and healing and facing myself, I cleared enough out of the way to start feeling the intuition and honing it in so there is no doubt of its accuracy. But I am still, and will always be, a work in progress. In 2011 I left my job as a medical transcriptionist after 11 years and went to school; a mind, body, spirit school that opened me up in miraculous ways. I had spent all those years on a spiritual path in my native ways and looking back now, I know I needed to expand my horizons, which is directly correlated to expanding my consciousness. All the while I was in school, I connected the dots of what I had learned and what I was learning. It was not separate for me. All those things I learned from my Lakota father and family elders came from the Universal Laws made up by the Creator that all the Planets, Suns, Creator Beings, and Benevolent ETs and Star Beings live by. It was an awakening for me. I became a Holistic Nutritionist, Life Coach, and Certified Hypnotherapist. AND then in 2012 I found Dolores Cannon and she cracked my world right open. But 4 months before that, I was speaking to my Lakota Father in spirit because he crossed in 2007. It was about some helpers who came to me that I was supposed to learn about and utilize. He told me as I was driving, which is a great connection time for me, that “what you need is beyond me” and “you will have a teacher come.” So, I waited for what I thought would be a native teacher. WRONG!! Dolores Cannon came into my life and after doing 11 years of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) sessions I know more now, and I’m connected in ways beyond what I thought possible. I want to say here that I don’t think I am an expert, nor do I know it all, nor do I want to know it all. I do know that our Souls know it all, but we are not there yet to understand that. None of us are!! In the big scheme of things, I know little as my physical 3rd dimensional self on earth. This work is hard to comprehend with 3rd dimensional thinking, it is not possible. So I collect information from my own Team and in sessions and other ways from Souls, Guides, Ascended Masters, Archangels, ETs, Star Beings, Source, Mother Earth and Planets and Stars, etc., etc., and when all these sources are saying the same thing, I begin (and only begin) to see a bigger picture, but I am still processing it all with my 3rd dimensional mind so that is when my intuition kicks in saying one day you will.
Before I get into what I know about me, let me talk about humanity and, IN MY OPINION, why we are here on earth at this time. WE CHOSE TO BE HERE AND WE CHOSE 90% OF OUR LIVES JUST AS OUR LIVES HAPPENED. I can hear you now! WHY???? NO WAY!!!! For better understanding about what I am going to say……. look up Dolores Cannon and her 50 years of work and 17 books. The detail is all there!! So…. here we go!!
Most people on Earth are high energy/frequency/vibrational (E/V/F) Souls who have lived eons of time on Earth and on other planets in our solar system and far beyond. Most every Soul on Earth was chosen to be here, and we accepted the challenge because we have been there and done that many times over. Earth is a school. On our magnificent Soul level, we have chosen many lives to learn from. Most Souls on Earth chose in many different past lives to learn about being malevolent, good, bad, and ugly, through trials and tribulations and suffering. How else can a Soul learn, expand, and evolve without choosing to go through something challenging. Earth was set up like this, according to Dolores. The Earth’s Soul herself chose to go through it also. Earth was created to be a challenging planet of duality, polarity, separateness, and a place that when the Soul enters the fetus it disconnects from who, what, and where it came from. It has been like this since the beginning of Earth’s creation. Most of us on Earth now have been to Earth many times over. We are Atlanteans and Lemurians and we have been here before those times as well. We have been a part of the Inner Earth. Some of us come from the future, back here to make sure the evolution prophecies foretold happen this time and Earth is not destroyed again as in previous times during floods, ice, meteors, etc. All the while, each time we come back, we have learned and grown and expanded our consciousness on the Soul level. I am not going to get into it, but yes, the dark ones who want to control us and dumb us down have taken advantage of us and threaded their way into our DNA, but since Earth is a Free Will and The Law of No Interference planet, as decreed by the Creator, this was allowed to happen. But things are changing, as decreed by the Creator, the dark ones are almost out of here.
So, in this lifetime most every human is here to clear DNA (metaphorically their twisted and tangled yarn/string), change our thoughts, habits, judgments, unhappiness, unworthiness, pain, prosecutions, abandonments, hate, worry, anger and on and on and on. I was told in a session by Mary Magdalene that our DNA transcends with the Soul and so does all the human and non-human DNA from the thousands upon thousands of lives on and off earth we have lived. We were chosen for this mission (life) and we accepted the challenge to clear it all so we could transition into the 5th Dimension (or 5th World as my elders speak of). We are not only clearing this out of our DNA, but we are clearing it out of the collective. I will try to explain this by saying everything is energy/vibration/frequency (E/V/F). People call energy different things, and, in my mind, they are all the same, just a different name. E/V/F includes humans and everything on Earth. There are no inanimate objects because the furniture you sit on, your car that you drive, and your home are E/V/F. Some E/V/Fs are denser than others. To put it in perspective, our Souls are pure light, pure E/V/F (energy/vibration/frequency). So, if everything is E/V/Fs and nothing is truly formed, they say that life is an illusion, that means we are living in a primordial 3rd dimension soup that we call the collective and we are here to clean it up!
So, we all have work to do. This shift to the 5th World/Dimension or the New Earth as Dolores called it is all about clearing out all the old ways of doing, saying, feeling, and acting out and to break free of what has taken hold of us and tried to control us. Again, think of a twisted and knotted yarn or string. We are here on Earth right now to see to it that we make the New Earth happen. Our DNA needs to be cleared of all lower frequencies. We are expanding our DNA back to 12 strands. We have been closed off from 10 of those strands for most of our eons of Earth years. Our bodies are changing from carbon based to crystalline so our physical can handle more of our magnificent Soul high-vibrational self in our physical bodies. Living and breathing the magnificence of who we are in physical form. We are most definitely in changing times within, without, above, and below.
Now back to that intertwined, twisted, and knotted yarn. I know now that I chose my life to learn survival thru lack. I know that I chose the people, places, events, and outcomes to make me the person I am today to help all who come to me to untwist their yarn. I know that most humans on Earth chose their lifetimes and trials, tribulations, traumas, and family to clear DNA and to clear the collective (primordial soup) because we can’t move into the New Earth/5th dimension until we clear the 3rd dimension within us). There will always be a 3rd dimension somewhere. It is what we signed up to do. You see, our Mother Earth is a 12-dimensional Soul who accepted a mission millions upon millions of years ago to reside in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th dimension, which is where we are now, we just slipped right in, in the last few years because enough humans woke up to the task at hand. All those dimensions are within us and outside of us. There were many setbacks for our Dear Mother, but she says NO MORE she is going home. If we want to go along, we as humans must clear the duality, emotions, and all that has blocked us from being our Soul self in a physical body. And the thing is, absolutely ZERO of the lower E/V/Fs, 4D and below, can reside in the 5th dimension and beyond. SO, we must do this clearing and healing of our DNA so we can hang on to our True Mother, The Earth, and go for a ride to the 5th dimensional and above where there is no war, no hate, no worry, no judgement, no control, etc., etc. The 5th dimension is a place of love, unity, joy, happiness, and 1000 years of peace. We chose this life, this mission, and we are smack dab in the middle of it.
My absolute passion is to help people discover their inner true self, their Soul. Their Soul that is magnificent. Their Soul that has all the answers and is capable of healing anything and everything. Their Soul that is pure joy, happiness, kind, and is love beyond measure. Their Soul that is connected to EVERYTHING on Earth and in the Universe. We are truly all ONE. I want people to realize that they already have all they seek. They have all their gifts, talents, knowledge, and knowing, and they are pure light and love and know how-to live-in harmony and peace. It is beyond measure what I feel when my clients connect in that way. I know this feeling because I have come a long way and my desire is to show others how to connect with their Source within. I am a Wayshower/Starseed and I show people the way. I transmute and transform negative energy into positive, love, and light energy to be used for good. My way of doing this is most definitely not the only way. Sometimes it is seed planted to grow later when they are ready. Sometimes it was QHHT. Sometimes it is was ETR. Sometimes it is the other work I do. Sometimes it is multiple types of sessions. Sometimes it is in daily conversations in person, phone, or on social media. I want everybody to feel their pure essence. There have been times in your life that you have had peace within and joy, love, and happiness beyond measure. That is your Soul speaking your truth. That is your true state of being, but most of our lives it is not that way. When you maintain that state in the physical you realize that there is not much that can affect you. When you are running a higher vibrational state the lower vibrations of anger, greed, pain, hate, judgment, etc., bounces right off. And from that higher vibration your words, actions, thoughts, feelings affect the change you want to see for Earth and humanity. Your positive vibes change the collective that I spoke about earlier. It is a force felt that cannot be reckoned with and if half of humanity worked on themselves to clear the lower vibrational thoughts, actions, and feelings this would rapidly change. The work is internal. We volunteered to be here in this life to clear the akashic records, and that is everything that has happened to us good, bad, and very ugly in every lifetime. We have help with ETR, QHHT, ceremony, and many modalities, but it is our work to do. No one can do it for us. If you don’t do the work, not much change happens, and the cycle repeats and repeats and repeats again and again and again. When you are running a higher vibrational state, you are connected to Source and to your Guides, Angels, and Soul. It is clear communication without a doubt, but you won’t know/feel/see that until you clear the path and open your channel.
So, if you are twisted up and in knots with anger, pain, hurt, judgement, abandonment, illness, dis-ease, chronic disease, lack of self-worth, mind chatter, worry, not grounded, sadness, low self-esteem, etc., and unable to connect to your High Self (Soul) or your Guides and Angels, you may need help clearing and healing all aspects of you. Also remember it is not just this life you are clearing and healing, it is thousands of past lives, and the lower 4D frequencies thereof, that need to clear out of your DNA so you can live a happy, loving, prosperous, abundant, and healthy life. You may also have attachments, cords, and implants preventing you from being your Soul Self in physical form. There is help available. If you resonate with what I have said here, call me with questions. If you don’t, there are many other ways and modalites to clear yourself and heal, and I encourage you to look for a way that resonates with you. We are in powerful changing times and it is very important that you clear and heal in whatever way you can that feels right.
So, this is why I do what I do. This is why I have chosen a life of service in this way. The more I awaken and start living my authentic self, more doors are opening for me, some I have seen glimpses of, but it is not time yet. There is one I will tell you about, I had two weeks of dreams in 2016 about a Healing Center. I know the name and it will be off world healing technology that will heal on all levels. I very excited about it, but it is not time yet. My future is bright and I am here to help, but it is all in Divine timing. Thank you for reading this. If you do not resonate with what I wrote, that is ok. One day you will, or you won’t. Honor your path! Your Soul will show you the way and it will be right for you! If I can help you connect in conversation or in session please reach out to me. It is what I do. It is my purpose and mission. It is my passion!
She is an intuitive, energy healer, channeler, hypnosis practitioner, spiritual/life coach, mind-body wellness practitioner, and holistic nutritionist.
She is a certified practitioner of Energy Transfer Reset (ETR). She was certified in February 2019. To date she has facilitated hundreds (lost count) of ETR sessions.